Perfect press® - Amaranth oil 30ml | Daily Glowin
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Perfect press® - Amaranth oil 30ml

Perfect press® - Amaranth oil 30ml


Perfect Press® Amaranth Oil is celebrated for its beauty-enhancing properties, as well as its nutritional richness. It contains both unsaturated fatty acids and squalene, a compound known for its wide range of health benefits.

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An ancient beauty secret you can eat. How many skin care products do you put on your skin that you would NEVER eat? Experts say that your skin absorbs as much as 60% of the chemicals that you rub into it, so most of the cosmetic products you use wind up in your body no matter what. 100% pure amaranth oil is not only safe to use on the outside of your body, but it also has powerful benefits when you take it internally.

Restore Elasticity to Your Skin. One of the main reasons amaranth oil is so healthy is because of the many powerful antioxidants it contains. One of those antioxidants is squalene. Squalene has such powerful health benefits that in ancient Japan they called it “Warrior’s Blood”. Our own liver produces this miracle antioxidant in abundance until about age 30, but then production of it slows down. Your liver stops making enough to sustain healthy skin and hair. It's one of the many reasons why we appear to age so rapidly after 30.

Unlike Any Other Oil in the World. Until now amaranth has been very challenging to press because the delicate essential properties of the oil were being damaged. We pushed our proprietary pressing technology to the maximum in order to press our Amaranth Oil perfectly and concentrate the natural squalene and overall antioxidant potency of amaranth.

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